“My primary goal as a dance instructor is not to develop world class performers, but to create an environment where all students can learn to love music and movement. Most importantly, I want each child to be successful, to gain confidence and self-esteem every week. My studio has a non-competitive atmosphere. I do not have tryouts for classes and I will not be taking students to competitions. That is not to say that I won’t have high expectations for your student. I expect all students will work on what has been taught, to always do their best in class, and to progress throughout the year.”
Odds and ends info about the studio: I teach for 32 weeks (8 months). Students come to class 1 day/week.Classes run for 45 minutes or 60 minutes. (Creative Movement class runs for 30 minutes only at the beginning of the year.) This is an eight-month commitment – even for tumbling students because everyone will be working on choreographed routines. All correspondence will be received by e-mail and Facebook. Classes are held Mondays- Thursdays. I do not have a Christmas recital, instead parents are encouraged to come to attend the last class in December (Parent’s Day). The students show parents what they have learned up to that point. I do have a dress code for classes. All classes will attend dress rehearsal close to the recital for extra practice and exposure.
Important Information! Parents please make sure you read the following waiver and check the map before registering.
Dress Code and Costuming Guidelines
I understand and accept the dress code and costuming guidelines as outlined on the parent portal. I understand that if the appropriate dancewear is not worn – the process as outlined on the parent portal will be followed. This may result in the instructor not allowing my student to participate in that day’s class. I understand that costuming will not be altered to fit my own, nor my student’s personal specifications. I understand my student will be required to wear the costume chosen by the instructor as all other members of the class will be wearing it.
Photo and Video permission
Dezi’s Dance Studio will be highlighting students through pictures on the walls of the studio as well as the website. There will also be times that dance classes may be recorded to post to the parent portal for those who missed classes. I give permission to make or use pictures, digital images, and videos of me or my minor child and to put the finished pictures, videos or images to use without compensation in productions, publications, on the web and on the walls of the studio.
Risk of Injury Release
I understand that in dancing/tumbling, as in any sporting activities, there is an inherent risk of injury. I accept that risk and will not hold Dezi’s Dance Studio, it’s staff or instructors, responsible for injuries that may occur while participating in any dancing/tumbling class or performance.
Risk of Car Damage due to Sliding Snow
I have viewed and understand the parking restrictions associated with the Fun Zone building. I understand the risk and damage that could occur to my vehicle if I park on the south or north side of the building inside the restricted area. I take full responsibility of damage to my vehicle if I do not follow posted signs and park within the “slide zone”. I will not hold Dezi’s Dance Studio or the Fun Zone liable for any damages occurred to my vehicle if I do not follow the parking guidelines.
I have read this entire statement and by clicking the accept button below, I forfeit all rights to bring a suit against Dezi’s Dance Studio or the Fun Zone for any reason. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask clarification when needed.
Release, Costume, Injury, Car Damage, Fee Payment_1Click here to print Release Form
Location of Dezi’s Dance Studio